Christian Pilgrimage Logo White Centre


Before confirming your booking, please make sure that you read & understood the Booking Terms & Conditions below.

These Booking Conditions set out the terms on which you contract with us for the arrangement and delivery of travel arrangements for your trip. By making a booking with us, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Booking Conditions. We reserve the right to change these Booking Conditions at any time prior to you making a booking request.


“We”“us”“our” and “Christian Pilgrimage” means “Christian Pilgrimage Holding Pty Ltd” as trustee for the “Christian Pilgrimage Trust” trading as “Christian Pilgrimage”

“You” or “your” or “pilgrim” or “passenger” means all persons named in a booking to join a pilgrimage (including anyone who is added or substituted at a later date

“Force Majeure Event” means an event or events beyond our control and which we could not have reasonably prevented, and includes but is not limited to: (a) natural disasters / acts of God, natural catastrophes, (including not limited to flooding, fire, earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption), adverse weather conditions (including hurricane or cyclone), high or low water levels; (b) riot, war, armed conflict, terrorist activity or the threat of such acts, epidemic, pandemic, quarantine, outbreaks of infectious disease or any other public health crisis, civil commotion, breakdown of communication facilities, industrial dispute; (c) any new or change in law, order, decree, rule or regulation of any government authority acts or omissions, changes in laws or regulations, national strikes, fire, explosion, generalised lack of availability of raw materials or energy (including travel advisories and restrictions).

“Itinerary” – means the itinerary for your pilgrimage issued by us, subject to amendments made by us from time to time in accordance with the contract.

“Pilgrimage” – can mean any itinerary or travel arrangement booked with Christian Pilgrimage.

“Personal information” – means information about you and any other person for whom you make a booking, including your name, date of birth, address, phone, email, emergency contact details, health, medical needs, visa details, dietary requirements, disability or other special requirements.


A booking request is accepted when we issue a written booking confirmation and you have paid the non-refundable deposit as stated on the received invoice. It is at this point that a contract between us and you comes into existence subject to these Booking Conditions. We reserve the right to decline any booking at our discretion. No employee of ours other than a director has the authority to vary or omit any of these Booking Conditions or to promise any discount, refund or credit.

All bookings must be accompanied by (a) a completed booking form and (b) a scanned copy or photo of the “details page” of a current valid passport as per “PASSPORTS, VISAS” paragraph These Booking Conditions set out the terms on which you contract with us for the arrangement and delivery of travel arrangements for your pilgrimage. By making a booking with us, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Booking Conditions. We reserve the right to change these Booking Conditions at any time prior to you making a booking request. An up-to-date copy of our Booking Conditions is accessible on our website – The Booking Conditions published at the time of completing a booking are those that will apply to that booking.


For pilgrims wishing to extend their journey either before or after their pilgrimage, Christian Pilgrimage may be able to arrange all your travel requirements – including additional flights, accommodation, tours, etc. A Christian Pilgrimage representative will advise if additional services can be booked and quote a price. We sell these additional arrangements as agent for the principal supplier. These additional travel arrangements will be subject to the terms and conditions of the principal supplier of them. They may require additional non-refundable deposits to be paid and alternative cancellation fees may apply. Christian Pilgrimage will not be responsible for any costs of any other additional travel arrangements (whether booked through us or not) affected by the cancellation or the rescheduling of a pilgrimage.


We commence providing services to you as soon as we accept your booking. This includes (often significant) work undertaken prior to travel to arrange and coordinate the delivery of your travel arrangements. You also receive the benefit of work we undertake in anticipation of bookings. The services we provide to you are limited to (a) the arrangement and coordination of your travel arrangements; and (b) the delivery of travel arrangements which we directly control.
In some instances, as an extra convenience, one or more of our representatives may accompany a pilgrimage. You acknowledge that our representatives (a) act as facilitators and not tour guides nor spiritual group leaders; (b) they are considered an overlay to the operation of the pilgrimage and do not directly affect the overall operation of the itinerary; (c) if the representative was unable to join or continue the pilgrimage (including but not limited to illness, injury, change of circumstance, or being denied entry by a government at one of the destinations) our land operators and tour guides will continue with the pilgrimage as scheduled; and (d) you will have no recourse or claim for compensation in this circumstance.


Prices stated are in Australian Dollars ($AUD) and are current at the time of publication. The most up to date pricing is available on our website. The price includes accommodation, transportation and other inclusions as per the published itinerary.
International and domestic airfares and airport/hotel transfers are not included unless specifically stated. Costs associated with passports, visas, vaccinations, insurance, meals (other than those stipulated), emergency evacuation costs, gratuities, and all items of a personal nature are not included.


We reserve the right to vary the cost of your travel arrangements prior to commencement for circumstances beyond our control such as the imposition of fuel surcharges or new or amended Government charges.
We also reserve the right to vary the cost of your travel arrangements due to currency fluctuations. However, we will not vary the cost for currency fluctuations once full payment has been received by us and we will absorb the first 2% of any negative currency fluctuation.


A 15 % deposit per person or $1,200 (whichever is the greater), is required within 7 days (unless otherwise stated) of us accepting your booking. Please note that we may not hold any services for you until we receive payment of your deposit, meaning that services may become unavailable or prices may increase, in which case you will be responsible for paying the increased price, and we will not be responsible if services become unavailable.


When a progress payment is noted on your invoice you will be required to pay this by the stated due date. Part of the progress payment may be used to cover your airfares (where applicable), taxes and fuel surcharges. Progress payments amounts and dates will be advised.


Payment in full must be received by the date(s) reflected on your invoice OR no less than 90 days before commencement of your trip whichever date comes first. Note: some trips or particular arrangements may require payment earlier or in additional instalments and this will be advised with the booking confirmation.

For late bookings (bookings within 28 days of departure), full payment is required at the time of request. You acknowledge that we may not be able to confirm services, in which case we will provide you with a refund.

If you fail to make payment by the due date, we will remind you to make payment. In addition to the payment, you will also be responsible for any costs imposed on us by suppliers resulting from late payment. If we do not receive payment within 7 days after the reminder, you will be deemed to have cancelled your booking.


Christian Pilgrimage is not responsible for any schedule changes imposed by airlines. Whilst we will do our best to reschedule your touring and accommodation, Christian Pilgrimage is not responsible for any additional costs or services missed as a result of an airline-imposed schedule change. Any changes you wish to make to your flight booking(s) after the ticket (s) have been issued, may incur fees.


You may cancel your booking by giving written notice to us. We will make refunds to you less cancellation fees in accordance with the table below, calculated from the date which we receive written notice:

  • Over 90 days before commencement: Loss of full deposits paid, plus any cancellation fees imposed by our Suppliers or airlines.
  • 90 days to 60 days before commencement: 50% of the pilgrimage value
  • Within 59 days or no show 100% of the pilgrimage value

Cancellation fees and charges will not exceed payments received by us at the time of cancellation.

You agree that the deductions and cancellation charges specified above are reasonable, represent a genuine pre-estimate of our loss and are required to protect our legitimate business interests.

Cancellation fees and charges will be levied as follows:

  • any amounts we have paid or have contractually committed to pay to third parties to deliver your travel arrangements which we cannot reasonably recover or which the third party requires us to still pay (for example payments made or due to airlines or ground operators);
  • where we or our related companies directly control any of the services included in your travel arrangements (for example, accommodation, vessels, transportation, guides), a reasonable amount attributable to such services which we reasonably determine we cannot resell or recoup;
  • a fee equal to 20% of the booking value to compensate us for work performed and associated overheads up until the time of cancellation (including work performed in connection with your travel arrangements prior to your booking) and our loss of expected profit; and
  • a fee which is the greater of $250 and 5% of the booking value to compensate us for processing the cancellation and any associated refund.

Cancellation fees and charges will not exceed payments received by us at the time of cancellation. If after the application of these fees and charges there is a surplus of payments you have made to us, we will refund this to you within a reasonable time.

Any payments we have made to third parties will only be refunded to you once we have deducted the above cancellation fees and charges and once we have actually recovered the amounts from the third parties. We make no guarantee that we will be able to make recoveries or that third parties will agree that payments attributable to your booking arrangements are no longer required. 

For group departures, a transfer of a confirmed booking to another departure date is deemed to be cancellation of the original booking


If due to any illness, suspected illness or failure to satisfy any required tests or country specific vaccination requirements:

  • an airline or other common carrier refuses you carriage
  • a hotel or vessel refuses to accommodate you; or
  • we or our suppliers (acting reasonably) exclude you from the trip and you are consequently prevented from commencing or continuing your trip, then:
  • if you have already commenced your trip, we will provide you with reasonable assistance to arrange alternative travel arrangements or to continue the trip, this will be at your cost.
  • if you have not commenced your trip then we regret we will not be in a position to provide such assistance.

We will not be liable to refund the cost of your trip (or any part of it) because we would have already paid (or committed to pay) suppliers and we would have already performed significant work preparing for the delivery of your trip and servicing your booking.

We will not be responsible for any other loss or loss you incur in connection with your booking (for example, airfares and visa expenses) if you are prevented from commencing or continuing your trip in these circumstances.

We strongly encourage you to purchase travel insurance that adequately responds to cancellations and curtailments associated with illness and other unforeseen events as soon as you have paid your deposit


Force Majeure – Prior to travel


  • in our reasonable opinion we (either directly or through our employees, contractors, suppliers or agents) determine that your travel arrangements cannot safely, lawfully or reasonably proceed due to a Force Majeure event; or
  • you give us notice no more than 14 days prior to commencement of your booked travel arrangements that you cannot reasonably make use of them due a Force Majeure event (for example due to border closures)

then we may:

  • reschedule your travel arrangements, but only if you are agreeable to the rescheduled arrangements; or
  • cancel your travel arrangements, in which case our contract with you will terminate.

If we cancel your travel arrangements, neither of us will have any claim for damages against the other for the cancelled arrangements. However, we will either:

  • issue you with a credit equal to payments received by us for the cancelled travel arrangements, redeemable within 24 months of issue against any travel services offered by us; or
  • refund payments attributable to the cancelled travel arrangements less: (a) unrecoverable third party costs and other expenses incurred or payable by us for the cancelled travel arrangements; (b) overhead charges incurred by us relative to the price of the cancelled travel arrangements; and (c) fair compensation for work undertaken by us in relation to the cancelled travel arrangements until the time of cancellation and in connection with the processing of any refund.

Please note that our ability to issue you with a credit may be dependent on our suppliers issuing corresponding credits to us. We cannot guarantee that our suppliers will issue corresponding credits and so in such circumstances we may opt to pay you a limited cash refund as outlined.

Force Majeure – During travel

If due to Force Majeure we cancel travel arrangements after your trip has commenced, we will provide you with a refund of recovered third party costs plus any third party costs we don’t incur for cancelled travel arrangements only.

Force Majeure – General

Where a limited cash refund is to be paid by us, we will use reasonable endeavours to recover payments from third parties attributable to your booking, but we make no guarantee that we will be able to recover these payments either partially or at all. If after we have paid you a limited cash refund (or after we determine that no cash refund is currently payable) we recover payments from third parties attributable to your booking, then we will pass on this payment to you.

We will not be responsible for any other loss or costs you incur in connection with your booking (for example, airfares, insurance and visa expenses) if your trip or particular travel arrangements are cancelled due to an event of Force Majeure. 

If we provide you with any alternative services or assistance where travel arrangements are cancelled or rescheduled due to Force Majeure which you accept, then you agree the amount to be refunded to you will be reduced by the value of these services and assistance.

You acknowledge that the terms in this section are reasonably necessary to protect our legitimate business interests. We strongly encourage you to purchase travel insurance that adequately responds to cancellation and rescheduling risks associated with Force Majeure events as soon as you have paid a deposit.

Other Cancellations

If we cancel your travel arrangements for reasons other than Force Majeure or a failure to satisfy minimum numbers, you will be offered (at your election) a refund of all funds paid, or the offer of travel arrangements of substantially equal quality if appropriate. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we will not be responsible to you for any other expenses or loss you incur resulting from our cancellation.


We will endeavour to accommodate amendments and additional requests. You acknowledge that these may not be possible to fulfil, and for group departures a transfer of a booking to a different departure is deemed a cancellation. An amendment fee of $250.00 per booking will be levied to cover communication and administration costs for any changes to bookings. You will also be required to pay any additional costs charged by suppliers.


Prior to travel

Due to the dynamic nature of the travel industry, we may occasionally need to make amendments or modifications to the itinerary and its inclusions and you acknowledge our right to do this. Most changes will not be significant. If we become aware of any significant changes to your itinerary or its inclusions that materially detract from the overall characteristics (for example, a material change to the destination of the pilgrimage) or value of the trip (where we determine it can still proceed), then we will notify you within a reasonable time and you may elect to:

  • proceed with the trip, in which case we will refund you an amount attributable to the reduction in value determined by us acting reasonably; or
  • cancel your trip, in which case we will refund you all payments received by us at that time.

If you do not make an election in writing within 7 days of us notifying you of the significant change, then you will be deemed to have elected to proceed with the trip.

During travel

You acknowledge that the itinerary, modes of transport, accommodation and/or the trip’s inclusions may need to change during your trip due to local circumstances beyond our reasonable control, including road conditions, poor weather, changes in transport schedules, and/or vehicle breakdowns.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, you agree that we have the right to pass on any costs we incur for alternative arrangements we put in place for your benefit in these circumstances.


To the fullest extent permitted by law,

  • we will not be responsible for any omissions or modifications to the itinerary or the inclusions due to Force Majeure or other circumstances beyond our control happening after we have accepted your booking. This includes any loss of enjoyment or distress caused by omissions or modifications.
  • if you are entitled to any compensation for any modifications or omissions, then you agree it will be reduced by the value of any alternative services we provide which you accept and
  • we will not be responsible to you for any other expenses or loss you incur resulting from any amendment or change to the itinerary or its inclusions.


The information contained in our brochures, on our website and in our other advertising material is believed to be correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of printing or publication. Whilst we endeavour to ensure the accuracy of the website, brochures, quotations and prices at the time of publication/printing or when they are given to you, regrettably errors may occasionally occur and information may subsequently change. If we become aware of an error and that results in a reduction in the value of services you have purchased, we will correct the error and refund you any reduction in the value determined by us acting reasonable. To the fullest extent permitted by law, that is the extent of our liability to you for any errors.


No refunds will be made for of any travel arrangements not utilised, whether by choice or because of late arrival or early departure. This includes the failure common carriers to operate according to schedule, which we disclaim responsibility for.

If you are not fully and validly vaccinated against Covid-19 and particular suppliers refuse to provide you with travel arrangements, then you agree you will not be entitled to any refund for those arrangements. We will not be responsible to you for any loss or expenses you incur (including loss of enjoyment) if you are denied services in these circumstances.


For security reasons, airlines and our overseas suppliers require names to be given exactly as stated in your passport. If you do not advise the correct information and we have to re-issue airline tickets or other documentation, then you will be responsible for any fees charged (such as airline cancellation charges or re-issue fees) in addition to our own reasonable administration fees.


It is a condition of your booking that you are adequately insured for the duration of your trip. We recommend comprehensive travel insurance to cover cancellation, medical requirements, luggage, repatriations and additional expenses. The choice of insurer is yours. We strongly suggest you purchase insurance at the time you pay your deposit and that your travel insurance policy includes comprehensive cancellation coverage.

This is because cancellation fees and charges are payable from that time. We can quote appropriate insurer and may receive commission. We cannot be held responsible for your failure to obtain an appropriate insurance. We make no representations or guarantees concerning reimbursements of funds paid by you under any insurance claim. You agree not to hold Christian Pilgrimage responsible for any decision made by insurers.


Due to the dynamic nature of the travel industry, we may need to substitute hotels, vessels and other forms of accommodation with properties or vessels of a substantially comparable or higher standard. We will endeavour to minimise substitutions. You acknowledge that these substitutions will not be considered a significant change.


It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the required documents, including passports and visas, before travelling to a destination. We recommend that you visit the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s (DFAT) websites at and for information relating to safety alert levels of your intended travel destination.

It is your responsibility to check with the respective Embassy or Consulate of each country that you are travelling to as many destinations require visas for both Australian and non-Australian passport holders. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have at least six (6) months validity on your passport from the date you return from your departure.


We strongly encourage you to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 with a vaccine approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. This is so health risks for yourself and others you come into contact with can be mitigated.

It is your responsibility to obtain vaccinations and preventative medicines as may be required for the duration of the trip. Any information provided by us is given in good faith.


It is your responsibility to ensure that you have a suitable level of health and fitness to undertake the trip of your choice. Our pilgrimages are designed for independently minded pilgrims with good levels of mobility ,including the ability to walk for a minimum of two to three hours on uneven surfaces without the use of any walking aid, on any given day ,walk up multiple flights of stairs and short, steep hills, stand for a minimum of 20 minutes without needing to sit down, often in hot/humid climates, get on and off various modes of transport including small boats without assistance.

Single pilgrims 80 years of age and over must have a travelling companion. Neither our pilgrimage leader nor the spiritual leader nor your fellow pilgrims are equipped to act as a carer or assistant, nor do we employ medical staff or medically trained personnel on any pilgrimage.

If you have doubts about your ability to undertake the trip, please contact us to discuss your circumstances prior to making a booking request.

Existing Medical Conditions

If you have a medical condition which may reasonably be expected to increase your risk of needing medical attention, or which may materially affect the usual conduct of the trip, then you must advise us prior to or at the time you make your booking request.

We may request you to provide an assessment of your medical condition from a qualified medical practitioner. If the assessment indicates that you are not fit to travel or will require special assistance which we cannot reasonably provide, then we may cancel your booking. Provided you notified us of your medical condition prior to or at the time you made your booking request, we will provide you with a full refund of payments made less an administrative fee of $ 250.

If you fail to provide a medical assessment within a reasonable time, then this will be considered a cancellation by you and cancellation fees and charges will apply (See ‘Cancellation By You’ section below).

New Medical Conditions

You must advise us of any new or changed medical conditions which may reasonably be expected to increase your risk of needing medical attention, or which may materially affect the usual conduct of the trip.

We may request you to provide an assessment of your medical condition from a qualified medical practitioner. If the assessment indicates that you will require special assistance which we cannot reasonably provide or if you fail to provide a medical assessment within a reasonable time, then this will be considered a cancellation by you and cancellation fees and charges will apply (See ‘Cancellation By You’ section below).

Non-Disclosed Medical Conditions

If any non-disclosed medical conditions mean that you will require special assistance which we cannot reasonably provide, then we acting reasonably may exclude you from the trip. This will be considered a cancellation by you and cancellation fees and charges will apply (See ‘Cancellation By You’ section below).

If you suffer from a medical condition which may reasonably be expected to increase your risk of needing medical attention, or which may affect the normal conduct of the trip, then you must advise us at the time you make your booking request.

We reserve the right to cancel your booking if any changed or non-disclosed medical conditions mean that you will require special assistance which we cannot reasonably provide.

Pilgrims must inform us and the service provider of any medical conditions which may affect your ability to participate in the pilgrimage.

At our discretion we, including the service provider, can exclude you from a pilgrimage or any activity if we consider that you are unable to safely participate in that pilgrimage or activity or if we consider your participation may place the safety of other pilgrims at risk.

We will not be liable for any damage, injury, death or loss of any kind arising from your failure to fully disclose relevant medical information or resulting from any pre-existing medical condition.


Special dietary requests are required to be notified to us within 7 days after we confirm your booking. We will endeavour to communicate your requirements to relevant suppliers. However, we cannot guarantee requests will be met by suppliers. It is your responsibility to check that meals and beverages do not contain any allergens. We expressly disclaim any liability for meals or beverages that contain allergens other than in circumstances where we have been negligent.

Any other special request such as airline seating made at the time of booking are on a request basis only. Christian Pilgrimage will endeavour to accommodate requests but cannot guarantee these can be met in all instances. Additional costs may apply to confirm such requests and are the responsibility of the Pilgrim.


Room Share

We offer a matching service for solo pilgrims who are willing to share twin accommodation, saving on single supplements. Only pilgrims of the (same gender) will be matched. You accept and agree that while we will endeavour to match suitability of the passengers including but not limited to age and gender, there are no guarantees that a match will be possible and we do not warrant or guarantee the suitability or characteristics of any persons we match 

Please do not request a room-match if you snore.

Please note that a person we match you with is not responsible to provide any assistance to you. If we are unable to find a match (or if the person we match you with cancels their travel), single supplements will apply.

Please note that we may require you to pay a single supplement at the time of booking. If we do so, we will refund the value of the single supplement once you and any person we have matched you with have made full payment. If we are unable to match you or if any person we match you with cancels their travel and we are unable to find a replacement match, then the single supplement will not be refundable.

If we do not require you to pay a single supplement at the time of booking, then you agree to pay a single supplement at the time of final payment if we have been unable to match you with another pilgrim at that time, or if any pilgrim we have matched you with cancels their travel.


If you wish your children to accompany you on, particularly those under 15 years of age, we recommend that you consider a private tailor designed pilgrimage, please ask us to design a pilgrimage to suit your particular circumstances. Children 15 and over may join a pilgrimage depending upon their interest and full comprehension that it is a spiritual and cultural pilgrimage, please ask us for more details.


When joining a group pilgrimage, you undertake to conduct yourself in a manner conducive to good group dynamics. If you act in a manner that threatens or disrupts the safety or enjoyment of others on the tour, the tour leader may, acting reasonably, require that you leave the tour. You will not be entitled to any refund for unused services and you will be responsible for any additional costs you incur.


Our Pilgrimages are based on a minimum number of pilgrims. If a Pilgrimage fails to satisfy minimum numbers, the trip may be cancelled and we will notify you of the cancellation at least 120 days prior to the trip’s scheduled commencement. If the trip is cancelled, we will at your election refund you all payments made or credit payments towards alternative arrangements. We will not be responsible for any other travel arrangements affected by, or any additional costs incurred, as a result of cancellation.


When on a pilgrimage, we may take photographs or make recordings of you and your activities that identify you. We reserve the right to use any images and/or recordings for promotional and marketing purposes. You consent to this use and acknowledge you will not be entitled to any payment or other compensation.


We are not responsible for any additional activities or excursions which are not included in the booked itinerary or which we sell as agent for the principal operator. Any advice or recommendation given by us, a guide or local representative is made in good-faith, based on known information, and does not make us responsible for the acts or omissions of the principal operator of the excursion or activity. 



You acknowledge that travel involves personal risks which may be greater than those present in your everyday life. This could be as a result of the adventurous nature of your trip or from visiting destinations which present geographical, political or cultural risks and dangers.

You should consult guidance issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) applicable to the destinations within your itinerary. You acknowledge that your choice to travel is made having had the benefit of DFAT guidance, and you accept inherent personal risks associated with your travel.


You acknowledge that you are travelling at a time when Covid-19 is endemic and that Covid-19 presents risks to your health and may cause death. By making a booking request, you accept all risks associated with Covid-19 infection during travel and you release us (and our directors, officers, employees and suppliers) from liability in connection with Covid-19 infection.


Services supplied by independent suppliers

Where a third party over whom we have no direct control (Independent Supplier) is the supplier of travel arrangements that form part of your trip, you acknowledge that our obligations to you are limited to taking reasonable steps to select a reputable Independent Supplier and arranging for them to provide those travel arrangements to you. Independent Suppliers over whom we have no direct control could include but are not limited to airlines, railway and cruise operators, hoteliers, independent transport companies (i.e., vehicles not operated by us) attraction and venue operators and common carriers.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, we will not be responsible to you for any loss, damage, personal injury or delay attributable to the actions or omissions of an Independent Supplier and not caused by our negligence.  Any claims you have in this regard must be made against the Independent Supplier.

Services we directly supply

To the extent only that we are the principal supplier to you of travel arrangements or other services which we control, then we will provide those travel arrangements and services with reasonable skill and care.

We will only be responsible for our employees in the course of their employment, and for our agents and contractors (where we have direct control over them) if they were carrying out the work we had asked them to do. 

Recreational services

If we supply any recreational services to you, then to the maximum extent permitted by law we exclude any liability for death, physical injury or mental injury or any other liability referred to in section 139A(3) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) resulting from our failure to comply with a guarantee that applies under Subdivision B of Division 1 of Part 3-2 of the Australian Consumer Law.

This exclusion does not apply to significant personal injury caused by our reckless conduct.

Recreational services means services that consist of participation in the activities referred to in Section 139A of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), being participation in:

(a) a sporting activity or similar leisure time pursuit; or

(b) any other activity that:

(i)    involves a significant degree of physical exertion or physical risk; and

(ii)    is undertaken for the purposes of recreation, enjoyment or leisure.

General liability limitation

We will not be responsible for any loss, damage, claim or expense caused by the acts or omissions of yourself, of any other third party not connected with the provision of the travel arrangements or services, or due to an event of Force Majeure.

While we endeavour to meet scheduled arrival and departure times, we cannot guarantee this. We will not be responsible for any loss or additional expenses you incur for any missed connections/services attributable to delays.

You acknowledge that travel arrangements or services which comply with local laws and regulations will be deemed to have been properly performed, even if this would not be considered the case in Australia.

Australian Consumer Law and corresponding legislation in State jurisdictions in certain circumstances imply mandatory guarantees into consumer contracts (“Consumer Guarantees”). These Booking Conditions do not exclude or limit the application of the Consumer Guarantees other than with respect to the supply of recreational services. Other than the Consumer Guarantees, we disclaim all warranties and guarantees.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, our maximum liability to you under these Booking Conditions, in tort (including negligence) or at law is limited to arranging for the travel arrangements to be resupplied or payment of the cost of having them resupplied.


In the event of a problem with any aspect of your travel arrangements you must tell us or make our representative or our local supplier aware of such problems as soon as possible. This is so we or our suppliers have had the opportunity to put things right on the ground.

If you notify us of a problem during travel and we haven’t resolved it to your satisfaction, please follow this up in writing within 30 days from the end of your travel arrangements. This is so we have the opportunity to pursue the claim with our own suppliers (if relevant).

If you fail to follow this procedure, this may limit your rights to make a claim.


If you place a booking on behalf of another party, you represent and promise us that you are duly authorised to provide the agreement and consent of the other party to be bound by these Booking Conditions. You agree that you will be responsible for any loss or damage we incur if this is not the case.


The contract between Christian Pilgrimage Trust ABN 51 421 489 396 trading as Christian Pilgrimage and you is governed by the laws of the State of Western Australia .

We are members of, the Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA) Member No: 12626, and is fully accredited under the guidelines of the Travel Accreditation Scheme (ATAS) Accreditation No: A12281.

Any disputes shall be dealt with by a court with the appropriate jurisdiction in Western Australia If any provision of these Booking Conditions is found to be unenforceable, then to the extent possible it will be severed without affecting the remaining provisions.

Any Personal Information you provide to us will be collected, stored, used, protected and shared and in accordance with Australian Privacy Principles, and our Privacy Policy, which is published here

Updated: 07.10.2024